Thursday, March 27, 2025

One Little Goat

By Dara Horn: A new "graphic novel" that has just been published and is now available. Just in time for Pesach!

One Little Goat

Yes, Abq Jew has written about Dara Horn amd her books several times, including -

Abq Jew again points out that the entire Horn family, may they all be happy and well, davened at Temple Beth Shalom in Livingston, New Jersey - where the entire Abq Jew family also used to daven.

Dara has two sisters, Ariel and Jordana,, may they live long and prosper, who are also writers, and who have been written up in The New York Times. The three sisters also have a brother who is not a writer (go figure).

Emily Schneider

Emily Schneider is not one of Dara Horn's sisters. She is, however, 
a writer and educator living in New York City. Her work has appeared in The Forward, Tablet, Jewcy, and Family Reading at The Hornbook.

Ms Schneider also review books for the Jewish Book CouncilShe recently spoke with acclaimed author Dara Horn about her new graph­ic nov­el, One Lit­tle Goat: A Passover Cat­a­stro­phe. Here is a taste:

Por­tal to Passover: A Con­ver­sa­tion with Dara Horn

Emi­ly Schnei­der: Dara, I’m going to start by ask­ing you what may be an obvi­ous ques­tion. You have a very suc­cess­ful and acclaimed career as a nov­el­ist and a pub­lic intel­lec­tu­al writ­ing about a range of sub­jects. What moti­vat­ed you to write One Lit­tle Goat, a graph­ic nov­el of inter­est and con­cern to both chil­dren and adults?

Dara Horn: I actu­al­ly first thought of this idea a num­ber of years ago. I was on a road trip with my fam­i­ly in Cal­i­for­nia, with my four chil­dren, and we stopped at a com­ic book shop. My kids are all into this kind of thing. 

And one book that they came home with was a very, very thick graph­ic nov­el by this car­toon­ist, Theo Ellsworth. They were fight­ing over this book through­out the whole trip! I bor­rowed this book from them, and I was just enchant­ed by the art­work. 

And at that point, an idea I’d had for a graph­ic nov­el sort of came roar­ing back to me. I could see how it could come to life, now that I saw an artist whose work I real­ly appre­ci­at­ed. 

One Little Goat1

And I looked this artist up; I knew noth­ing about him. He’s a pret­ty acclaimed indie comics artist. Theo Ellsworth, lives in Mon­tana. He’s prob­a­bly not Jew­ish. This is a kind of deep in the weeds idea for some­one who does­n’t know much about Passover. 

I cold-emailed him, said, ​“Hi, I love your work. I’m a writer. Here’s an idea. It’s a lit­tle hard to explain.” And he was total­ly game. But the deep­er ques­tion that you’re ask­ing is, 

Why would I do this when I’m real­ly writ­ing for adults my whole career? 

This is an idea I’ve been think­ing about since I was a child. I’ve always been fas­ci­nat­ed by the seder and how it is much more sim­i­lar to oth­er seders than it is to oth­er days of the year. 

When you’re at the seder table, it’s much more sim­i­lar to being at a seder table ten years ago than it is to some­thing that hap­pened the week before. And it feels much more con­nect­ed through time than space. 

This is some­thing I’ve been fas­ci­nat­ed by since I was a kid — the idea of Jew­ish life and texts being a por­tal to a past that we real­ly should­n’t have access to is some­thing that I’ve writ­ten about in all of my books. All of my books are some ver­sion of this. This is sim­ply the most direct version.

ES: You begin your jour­ney into Pesach, the fes­ti­val of free­dom, by recon­sid­er­ing a myth. This is a hol­i­day Jews through­out the world are cel­e­brat­ing. It’s so imbued with mean­ing for every­one, across a broad range of reli­gious obser­vance. 

So it must be an unal­loyed joy for chil­dren, right? 

DH: Yes, and also because it’s a hol­i­day that’s osten­si­bly sup­posed to be cen­ter­ing children.

ES: That is real­ly at the cen­ter of your book. For many kids, it could be tedious, repet­i­tive, a lit­tle bit opaque, even though, as you said, chil­dren have a star­ring role. 

DH: Yes, this hol­i­day’s cel­e­brat­ing free­dom, but you are stuck at that table for a very long time. This is a dynam­ic that I’m very famil­iar with because my whole fam­i­ly’s life has been built to pro­tect chil­dren from it. I’m the host of my fam­i­ly seder. 

I’m one of four chil­dren, and, in the seder that I grew up in, my par­ents avoid­ed this bore­dom by hav­ing us be very involved in a cre­ative way. We would have to write songs and skits, act­ing out the dif­fer­ent parts of the sto­ry. It was dif­fer­ent every sin­gle year. 

We would work on this whole show that we would put on at dif­fer­ent points in the seder. The sto­ry of Abra­ham smash­ing the idols would be Mesopotami­an Idol, a par­o­dy of Amer­i­can Idol. 

It was always some­thing based on what­ev­er was trend­ing in pop cul­ture at that time. 

One Little Goat2

Now, I also have four chil­dren. My par­ents have a total of four­teen grand­chil­dren. So it’s a large seder I host, with a lot of young peo­ple. I had to make a deci­sion. 

Either I can read every sin­gle page of the Hag­gadah, or I can have my chil­dren enjoy Pesach. 

That involves a ridicu­lous amount of cre­ativ­i­ty, and that’s what we’ve done. Our seder is very tra­di­tion­al in that we do read every page of the Hag­gadah. It’s very untra­di­tion­al in that we use tech­nol­o­gy. We have all these dif­fer­ent set­tings that you move through and you meet dif­fer­ent char­ac­ters in the Pesach sto­ry. 

In one room, the angel of death pops out of a clos­et and slays the Pharao­h’s son. In anoth­er room, we have a blue lasers and fog machine that fills the space with a blue fog, but only up to waist height. It cre­ates this wave-like look on the sur­face. And as you walk through it, it parts in front of you. 

Every­body in our seder is per­son­al­ly expe­ri­enc­ing com­ing out of Egypt. Some of these ideas I got from clas­si­cal Jew­ish sources. Every­body’s very invest­ed and the oth­er most impor­tant part is the kids have roles in our Seder. And it’s become a com­pe­ti­tion every year of who can make it new­er, more inter­est­ing, fun­nier. 

My daugh­ter’s the wan­der­ing Aramean; she comes and she has a scroll that she wraps around the entire room that has the pas­sage we all read out loud togeth­er. We have light-up Had Gadya ani­mals that my hus­band made by sol­der­ing a bunch of LED lights togeth­er. So it’s like a Vegas seder! 

Every year we make a movie out of these pieces and recre­ate the Pesach sto­ry. We divide up the sto­ry into the dif­fer­ent fam­i­ly pods. This group of sib­lings is assigned to do the burn­ing bush or some oth­er piece of the tale. And then the final prod­uct is screened. 

No one knows what the oth­er peo­ple have done, but every­body feels very invest­ed in their part.

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