
Thursday, February 13, 2025

A Great Love

Abundant & Eternal: Yes, right after Mr & Mrs Abq Jew celebrate their wedding anniversary every year, there appears on the civil, which is to say Christian, calendar the Feast of Saint Valentine. 

There's lots of Valentines and almost as many St Valentines, and the tradition of which particular Valentine they, which is to say Christians, feast for is, to say the least, ambiguous. But here we all are.

Ahava Britto

We Jews give and receive love, too - but, of course, not exactly like our neighbors. And we do not on observe the same day.  

For a couple thousand years (approximately), we've celebrated Tu b'Av, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Av. My Jewish Learning tells us that Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said:
There were no better (i.e. happier) days for the people of Israel than the Fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur[!], since on these days the daughters of Israel/Jerusalem go out dressed in white and dance in the vineyards. What were they saying? Young man, consider whom you choose (to be your wife)! (Ta’anit, Chapter 4)
Tu b'Av Stamp

We Jews do speak about abundant and eternal love. But when we do, we are usually speaking about the love of God for his people Israel. 

And its reciprocity. Most (arguably, as are most things Jewish) notably in the Ahavah Rabbah prayer, which we recite before the morning and evening Shema.

Ahavah Rabbah

Which brings us to

Josh Warshawsky

Josh Warshawsky

"The preeminent voice of contemporary, soulful, exciting music within today’s Judaism." About whom (see October 2020's Music as Midrash and Prayer) Abq Jew has written before. And whose website tells us:

Rabbi Josh Warshawsky is a pray-er, gatherer, music creator, and lifelong meaning-seeker. 

He is the rabbi at Congregation Agudas Achim in Bexley, OH, and a nationally touring Jewish musician, songleader, composer, and teacher of Torah. Josh seeks to build intentional praying communities, and travels to synagogues and Jewish communities across the country sharing his music and teachings on prayer and meaningful living. 

He has released four albums of Jewish music, filled with melodies written intentionally to express the deep meaning of the words of our tradition. His latest album, “Chaverai Nevarech Vol. IV,” comes out February 6th!

Here is a video of Rabbi Josh Warshwasky and Coleen Dieker leading the Chaverai Nevarech Band in their rendition of Ahavah Rabbah.

Click here for video

Rabbi Josh always assembles the very best musicians and the very best of modern Jewish music for his back-up band. The Chaverai Nevarech Band continues that harmonic and harmonious tradition.

Abq Jew is especially excited to see (the guy in the green shirt at 1:05) Rabbi Noah Diamondstein as part of the Chaverai Nevarech Band.

Noah Diamondstein

Rabbi Noah is - as stated - also one of the very best. In his own right. 

Abq Jew knows this for a fact, because Rabbi Noah officiated - both beautifully and meaningfully - at (see November 2023's At the End of the Rainbow) the wedding of Mr & Mrs Abq Jew's wonderful daughter Alex to the equally wonderful Jake.

Want more music? Here is a video of Rabbi Josh Warshwasky and Coleen Dieker leading the Chaverai Nevarech Band in their rendition of Yom Shabbaton. Look for the guy in the green shirt.

Click here for video

And - as a special Valentine's Day / Shabbat treat - from (where else?) The New Yorker - the first three frames of Liana Fink's series on The Wife of Valor!

Wife of Valor1

Wife of Valor2

Wife of Valor3

Click here for full series

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