
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Last of the Liberal Jews

Adam Katz, Future of Jewish: There is, on Substack and elsewhere - on the Internet, and in the World - a newish publication called Future of Jewish. 

Abq Jew thought you should know about it.

Future of Jewish

From their About page:

Welcome to Future of Jewish, the fastest-growing independent publication about Judaism and Israel, featuring 73,000+ subscribers from 50+ countries!

Our mission is simple, and hopefully worthwhile: to help many more people become smarter about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.

As “explanatory journalists,” all of our materials are sourced from a wide variety of people and organizations, across every possible spectrum you can imagine (political, societal, national, ethnic, religious, et cetera).

Our goal is to ensure that everyone — regardless of income, location, or status — has access to accurate knowledge about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.


Here is a Guest Post by Adam Katz, which appeared on his Substack as well as on Future of JewishAbq Jew found it to be especially meaningful in these tubulent times.

Goodman Chaney Schwerner

Jews rose up from disenfranchisement but never forgot where they came from. It took a betrayal of epic proportions to separate them from the liberal movement and the world may never be the same again.

The Last of the Liberal Jews

A few days ago, I received news that my former law professor passed away. I think back to his constitutional law class where he passionately advocated on behalf of the disenfranchised and how inspiring he was.

I saw in him what I saw in myself, raised in a second generation Jewish family that built a life in the United States. As our standing in society grew, so did our income, but we never forgot where we came from. My law professor who sadly passed away this week was an old school liberal Jew.

The Jewish experience in America is like no other because we truly gained representation in government and acceptance in society. The pace at which Jews rose from the packed tenements of Chicago and New York to become leaders in industry and government is unmatched.

It is proof of the American dream that Jews are now admitted to the most elite universities and country clubs, hired by the stodgiest old blue blood law firms, and recruited by elitist consulting firms. Shit, we can easily buy homes in rich white neighborhoods!

Jews are part of the fabric of our diverse and rich American community. We do not change our names any longer to avoid anti-semitism. We marry non-Jews and nobody notices except for an occasional grumpy Bubbee. We are accepted and appreciated and respected. We contribute to institutions and help build industries.

For awhile, anti-semitism began to feel like paranoia; we felt no different from our friends and neighbors and had no reason to. In short, the powerful instrument of democracy in America empowered Jews to a degree never before thought possible. It seemed sort of a little bit like we were … white?

And while we experienced an age of acceptance here in America, something miraculous occurred on the other side of the globe. Jews began moving back to their ancient home in Palestine and buying land from Arabs to establish their own nation. We watched in awe as a small group of Zionists built a government and infrastructure from nothing and our incredible country recognized a modern Jewish state called Israel.

The now common Jewish cycle of fear and pride began in the second half of the twentieth century. Fear turned to pride when the unfathomable events of the Holocaust led to world recognition of the State of Israel. We watched in fear as five Arab nations invaded following the announcement of the independence of the State of Israel in 1948.

Then we watched with pride as Israel battled those powerful countries back across their borders. Back and forth/fear and pride as Israel’s Arab neighbors invaded, sent missiles, blew up night clubs and coffee shops; and Israel advanced on the world stage, built industries, grew its economy, and established trade across the globe.

Israel fought seven major wars on multiple fronts against multiple enemies and won all of them. Out of necessity it built one of the most powerful militaries in the world and created one of the most respected spy agencies. Its economy boomed louder than the missiles from its neighbors and its innovation made it integral to modern society throughout the world.

In what can only be described as extraordinary, the confluence of Israel’s military acumen, innovation, economic stability, political clout, and perseverance led it to build an invisible dome in the sky so its citizens can go on with their daily lives while rockets are haphazardly sent into its territory by neighboring countries.

But, despite our success in America and in Israel, we still honor our past and remain staunch supporters of those not fortunate enough to be in our shoes. No matter how much money we made, taxes were secondary to protecting the disenfranchised. For a century, Jews were a reliable voting block for Democrats.

Jewish lawyers continued to battle in the trenches for the wrongfully accused and continued to protect everyone’s civil rights. Our millionaires gave millions to non-jewish charities and our billionaires gave billions more. We remained proud liberals because we remembered what it was like to be the underdog.

But then something very unexpected happened. The institutions we helped to build turned against us. The universities we supported began to support people who want to kill us. Being Jewish is controversial again and our public figures are concerned they may be outed as Jews. It is too controversial to say the words “Jew” and “Holocaust” when accepting a “Golden Globe” for portraying a Jew in the Holocaust.

Our liberal politicians cannot say the word “anti-semitism” without also saying “Islamophobia.” Jews were hunted down, murdered, raped, and kidnapped in Israel by a terrorist organization, but the UN indicted Israel’s leaders for “war crimes.”

The same terrorists kidnapped American citizens, and American college students protest the only country on the ground trying to rescue them because it is Israel. Presidents of Ivy League schools do not think calling for the murder of Jews is bullying, harassment or inciting violence, or a threat to safety of its students.

Where does an old liberal Jew go when the liberals turn against him?

In America, it seems the conservatives still have the chutzpah to call it like it is. Things that are clear to conservatives have become opaque to liberals. Simple facts are questioned by liberals:

  • Fact: Hamas is a terrorist organization.
  • Fact: Israel is a democracy.
  • Fact: Jews are capable of being bullied.
  • Fact: Israel is not the aggressor.
  • Fact: Israel honors peace accords.
  • Fact: Israel accepted a proposal for a two-state solution several times.

It was the teamwork of a republican politician and private Jewish citizen that took down the president of Harvard after her shameful testimony before congress. Biden has been an incredible supporter of Israel, but as soon as the party switched allegiances, its new candidate slowly pulled the support to appease liberals. Jews who were lifetime Democrats are leaving the party in droves.

I never learned what my law professor felt as he witnessed the liberals’ great betrayal of the Jewish community. My guess is that he felt very similar to me and the millions of Jews in America who never dreamed they would be raked over the coals by the people who they thought were their brothers and sisters. The Democrats appeased the far Left of the party and lost the Jews, and the world may never be the same.

Future of Jewish

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