
Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Could Be Worse

Could Be Raining: Well. The 2024 elections are more or less over, finished, wrapped up, concluded. Some of the results - especially those here in our own New Mexico -  pleased Abq Jew no end; others, however, force him to remind you, his loyal readers, that, as Igor noted in Young Frankenstein

Could Be Worse.

Could Be Raining.

Yes, Abq Jew - along with about half the nation - had a sleepless night. As the one and only Yogi once observed (after Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris hit back-to-back home runs during the 1961 season) - 

Deja Vu Yogi

It's like deja vu, all over again.

Many, many others had more to say about the 2024 election's results.

Public opinion consultant Fernand R. Amandi was succinct:

This election — the most critical and important in our lifetimes — was fundamentally about what kind of country and what kind of people we actually are — and I’m afraid we now have our answer.

Mother Jones' David Corn was not succinct. He wrote:
America Meets Its Judgment Day  
Trump’s victory signals a national embrace of the politics of hate and a possible fascist future.
Every election is a Judgment Day, but this one more so than any other in the history of the nation.

Never before has a major party run a nominee described by retired military leaders who worked with him as a “fascist” and a serious threat to American democracy. 
Never before has the electorate been provided the choice of a nominee who previously refused to accept vote tallies, falsely declared victory, covertly schemed to overturn an election, and incited a violent assault on the US Capitol to stay in power, as well as one whose mismanagement of a pandemic caused the avoidable deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. 
Never before have Americans been asked to return to office a politician who waged a massive disinformation operation fueled by the most vicious vitriol to exploit hatred, racism, misogyny, and ignorance.
Is America a nation that accepts and embraces all that?
The answer is yes.
Despite Trump’s multiple offenses (criminal, political, and social), tens of millions voters—more than half of the electorate—said they want more of him and desire this felonious, misogynistic, racist, and seemingly cognitively challenged wannabe autocrat to lead the nation once again. 
Trumpism triumphed, and the godhead of this cult has become both the first fascist and the first convicted felon to win an American presidential election.

And he concludes: 

At this fork in the road, Americans made a decision on what sort of country the United States will be. A judgment has been reached: 
This is a nation to be ruled by Trump’s politics of hate.  
It can happen here, and it has.
Save Pessimism
As for The Jews - Brianna Wu posted:
As the polls close, I'm really only interested in one number.

Just how badly has the Democratic Party lost the Jewish vote by refusing to denounce the antisemitism that has infested our party?

And as for women - Jill Filipovic quoted Germaine Greer:
Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.
As long as

The Atlantic's David Frum offers a note of hope:

Eight years ago this night, my son asked me: "What do we do now?"

I answered,

We walk to the bar, strike up the band,

and sing The Marseillaise.

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