
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Federation's Last Day

But Don't Say Kaddish Yet: As we shocked and saddened New MexiJews have come to realize, the days of the Jewish Federation of New Mexico have come to a painful end. 

The Federation's Board has recently voted to dissolve the Jewish Federation as a New Mexico non-profit corporation, and is filing paperwork with the State to that effect.

And, as Abq Jew has previously reported (see Before the Law and Train Wreck at Federation), the Federation has no money and no employees. And - as of midnight - no directors and no 501(c)(3) operating insurance. 


In short - the Federation is kaput.


Kaput (broken and useless; no longer working or effective) is, of course, a technical term. Lili von Shtupp put it - more, shall we say, colloquially - in Blazing Saddles. As we all remember.

Madeline Kahn

Fertig! Verfallen! Verlumpt! Verblunget! Verkackt!

Temporarily, for the next short period of time, while the State of New Mexico processes the paperwork and the Federation cleanly shuts down - 


The Jewish Federation will both
continue to exist and cease to operate.
Sorta like Schrödinger's cat

Community Calendar

You may be wondering - what happens to Jewish New Mexico's Community Calendar now that it is no longer supported (or displayed) by the kaput Jewish Federation? 

The answer: For the time being, as new community support is being collected, the complete Community Calendar will still be available on Abq Jew's website, right here.

Upcoming Community Events

And you may be wondering - what happens to Abq Jew's Upcoming Community Events weekly eblast now that it, too, is no longer supported by the kaput Jewish Federation? 

The answer: For the time being, as new community support is being collected, Abq Jew will continue to send out the Upcoming Community Events weekly eblast to current subscribers. 

If you no longer wish to receive the weekly eblast, you can easily unsubscribe. If you haven't subscribed but wish to - click here!

Green Microphone

And you may also be wondering - 

What happens to the New Mexico
Jewish Community's singular moral voice
now that the Jewish Federation is kaput?
The answer: That remains to be seen. Other communities have put together a Jewish Community Relations Council. Will that model suit us New MexiJews?

End Beginning

The messiah will come only when he is no longer necessary;
 he will come only on the day after his arrival;
he will come, not on the last day, but on the very last.
- Franz Kafka -

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