
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Tikkun Layl Shavuot Returns!

Back Again in 5782: As Abq Jew ® first noted eleven (11!) years ago (wow! like it was yesterday!) in  A Murder of Crows:

10 Commandments

Several thousand years ago, all Jews then living, all Jews ever born, and all Jews ever to be born gathered beneath Mount Sinai to hear God speak to us. None were wearing masks (Moses did put on a mask later, but that was ... different).

We celebrate this wondrous event (hearing the voice of God, not watching Moses put on his mask) every year on the Holiday of Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, exactly forty-nine full days (which are, as we know now, seven full weeks) after the Holiday of Pesach.

This year, Shavuot begins on Saturday evening, June 4th. 

Tikkun Layl Shavuot

And we Albuquerque Jews will join Jews all over the world in a Tikkun Layl Shavuot - an all-night (well, late evening) study session. Which we are calling Shavuot b'Yachad - because we're together again (sort of) after a couple years of Covid-19 restrictions.

If you want to stay up all night and study - there are plenty of opportunities to do so. Shavuot on Sefaria will get you started. The Rabbinical Assembly will keep you going. And Chabad, as always, will help you understand the whole megillah, you should excuse the expression.


Many synagogues and Jewish institutions will be offering Shabbat and Shavuot events via the videotelephony program Zoom. The use of which during the pandemic has become almost universal among all but the Orthodox.

And then, there's

Beth El Synagogue

Beth El Synagogue, a Conservative shul near Minneapolis.

Beth El Synagogue has labelled its Shavuot observances Shavuot 5782: War and Peace, and offers several war-and-peace related topics for its all-night (plus a hashkama minyan!) Tikkun. Great news if you're in Minneapolis! 

If you're, say, in Albuquerque - the Beth El Tikkun will not be Zoomed. 

Which is probably just as well. 

Jon Levine of the New York Post first reported on May 28:


which begins:

This was some Sabbath service!

A randy couple who Zoomed into services at a Minneapolis synagogue hosting a bat mitzvah forgot to turn off their camera as they began to make a mitzvah of their own — canoodling in full view of verklempt congregants, who were subjected to the softcore sideshow for nearly an hour.

Then, on May 30, Josh Kaplan of The Jewish Chronicle picked up the story:


And Jackie Hajdenberg of JTA published this particularly interesting story on June 1:


After consulting (via Google) with both rabbinical and secular authorities, Abq Jew has decided not to say more on this subject. As one of Beth El Synagogues administrators told the Post:

I’m aware of the incident and
won’t be commenting on the details.

Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat Shalom, World!
Good Shabbos, Universe!


Hag Sameach, New Mexico!
Good Yontif, Albuquerque!

A Three-Day Yontif!
Better stock up on challah!

OK ... technically, it's one day of Shabbat followed immediately by a 2-day
(outside the Land of Israel) Yom Tov - in this case Shavuot, the Time of the
Giving of Our Torah. But in the vernacular, a 3-day Yontif is what it's called.

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