
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Hanukkah Leftovers

From Outer Space and Elsewhere: Well. That other holiday fell in the middle (i.e., Wednesday) of the week. Who thought that would be a good idea? And two weeks in a row?

For us Jews, Shabbat is approaching - and it's still Chanukah! In fact, this very Shabbat we will have the rare treat (and fulfill the extra mitzvot) of reading from ... not one; not two; but three (3) Sifrei Torah -

One for the regular weekly portion (Miketz); one for Rosh Hodesh (Tevet); and one for the holiday (Hanukkah)!

A Torah Trifecta!
Let's celebrate!

Louis Anderman via Chuck Taggart via Jacob Richman
Maiden voyage of the USS Menorahprise
Her 8-night mission: to boldly schlep
where no Jew has schlepped before!

Six13 - A Star Wars Chanukah

Little known fact: though Baby Yoda's cousin delivered this sage advice
to Luke Skywalker, he took his inspiration from the Maccabees.
Like the Jedi years later, against all odds (never tell us the odds!)
they fought off a great empire who sought their destruction.

NASA Astronaut Jessica Meir
Celebrates Hanukkah from Space

NASA astronaut Jessica Meir shows off some colorful
Hanukkah socks on the International Space Station on
the first night of Hanukkah, December 22, 2019.
(Image credit:

The Hanukkah Story for Kids
Maccabees, Miracles, and Dreidels

Latke Recipe

Happy Joyous Hanukkah
Indigo Girls

The Hanukkah Dance
Nefesh Mountain
A pairing of songs written by the great Woody Guthrie.
Woody moved to Coney Island in 1942 and spent much of his time
learning from and collaborating with his Jewish mother in law
and Yiddish poet Aliza Greenblatt.

Six13 - Bohemian Chanukah

Is this just fantasy? No, it's a Chanukah tribute to one of the greatest and most epic songs of all time. Ready, Freddie? Kindle the lights, remember the Maccabees, and rock on. CHAG SAMEACH!

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