
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Placido Domingo Comes to B'nai Israel

Will Sing for Seder: Congregation B'nai Israel of Albuquerque is proud to announce that revered tenor Placido Domingo has been engaged to help lead this year's Second Seder. Maestro Domingo will also daven Musaf on the first two days of the Passover holiday.

Pesach 2015
Placido Domingo
Congregation B'nai Israel
 Saturday April 4 ~ 9:00 am
Saturday April 4 ~ 6:00 pm
Sunday April 5 ~ 9:00 am

Placido Domingo, a recent convert to Judaism under the auspices of Rabbi Arthur Flicker, will be coming to Congregation B'nai Israel the first weekend in April to help lead the Second Seder and Pesach services.

Maestro Domingo has studied and listened to the CDs recorded by Dr David Katz and Cantor JoAnn Rice so that he can lead services with tunes familiar to CBI members.


He is looking forward to staying with Rabbi Flicker and his family, as Linda has promised him a well stocked refrigerator with kosher Mexican delicacies.

Although he was provided with “lead sheets” of the music, the celebrated tenor found Dr Katz's and Cantor Rice’s CDs more to his liking.

“With the CDs I was able to better master the t’fillah
and nusach; I believe I will even be able to do
a full recitation of the Amidah!”

Ritual Chair Ben Kesner commented, “It will be great to have a cantor with such talent on the bima. On Saturday and Sunday, come early if you want to stand close to Mr Domingo by getting an aliyah.”

On both days of Pesach, a special Kiddush featuring all of Placido’s favorite foods will be  prepared by the Sisterhood.

Please remember that no photography or writing is permitted at Congregation B'nai Israel during the holiday.

Members and visitors who wish to have their photos taken with our guest or obtain autographs will need to wait until the conclusion of Havdalah services on Sunday night.

The above PURIM SPOOF was adapted for Congregation B'nai Israel by (who did you think?) Abq Jew.

It is based upon the actual 2009 Purim newsletter that Abq Jew's old friend Bruce Kesselman wrote and published while serving as Executive Director of Temple Beth Sholom in (the other) Las Vegas.

Of the experience, Bruce has told Abq Jew

Half the congregation wanted me fired; but half said they would increase their donations if I did it again.

Bruce also shared with Abq Jew some of the comments he received from TBS congregants.
  • Under no circumstances should Temple Beth Sholom hire a cantor who has just converted to Judaism. We deserve someone with a longer Jewish history.
  • If I want to get a good seat, do I have to come early?
  • I hope you have some good lawyers in the Congregation. When Placido Domingo reads this he is going to sue and the Temple will be out of business. How can you print such false information about this great man?
  • Whoever thought of this should be hung up on a pole in front of the Temple and set on fire.
  • I called my cousin who knows Placido Domingo, and she said he’s not coming and doesn’t know anything about what was written. I hope the Temple has a good lawyer because he’s going to sue the Temple when he reads this. Our building will have to be sold when he wins the law suit.
  • Why wasn’t I told about this? I’m on the Ritual Committee!
  • I haven’t read it yet, but my husband loved it and will send a $5,000 check to make sure another one like this is printed next year.
  • The bulletin is hilarious!!! Great job?  : )
  • This is fabulous news! Just what we need to regain our prominence! 

Note: Bruce Kesselman is no longer the Executive Director of Temple Beth Sholom.

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