
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Back in the Q! Rabbi Joe Black!

With Sandra Wong: Congregation Albert and Family Promise are happy to announce that former Burqueño Rabbi Joe Black - with special guest Sandra Wong - will be

Back in the Q!
Rabbi Joe Black
with special guest Sandra Wong
Sunday November 17 ~ 6:00 pm
Congregation Albert

The reappearance of Rabbi Joe Black will be great news for many of us; he served as Rabbi of Congregation Albert from 1996 through 2010, and has many friends in the community.

Rabbi Black became Senior Rabbi of Denver's Temple Emanuel in July 2010, just before Abq Jew came to town. Abq Jew and Rabbi Black have never met, and Abq Jew has never (to date) seen Rabbi Black perform. But we are, of course, Facebook friends.

Here is Judah Maccabee, one of the songs that Rabbi Joe Black will undoubtedly perform - we'll be getting really, really close to Thanksgivukkah.

What, Abq Jew hears you ask, about Sandra Wong?

Sandra Wong, it turns out, was born some years ago in Ithaca, New York, and displayed a real love of music from a very early age. Her life changed irrevocably when -

In 1999, [Sandra] was introduced to (and fell in love with!) a wonderful Swedish folk instrument, the nyckelharpa (a 16 stringed, keyed bowed instrument).

The nyckelharpa  has become an integral part of [her] work and musical expression (please go to for more information on this instrument).

What, pray tell, does a nyckelharpa sound like? You may already know - Sandra has performed in Albuquerque before. But if you don't - it sort of sounds like this:

As previously mentioned - this is a benefit concert for Family Promise and Congregation Albert, both good Albuquerque organizations worthy of our support.

Go! Enjoy! Contribute!

Family Promise (formerly the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)) provides shelter, meals and support services to families seeking permanent housing.

Albuquerque is the 104th city to implement a Family Promise program, and there are 10 congregations involved with Family Promise in our area.

Congregation Albert became involved with Family Promise (then IHN) in the spring of 2007, and hosts families approximately 5 times throughout the year for one week each time. CA provides lodging, meals and welcoming care for their guests.

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