
Friday, February 8, 2013

Rockin' The House!

Abq Jew Palooza! Continues Tonight!  Abq Jew has come to realize that there's way more Jewish stuff happening in Albuquerque - and Santa Fe and Taos and Las Vegas and everyplace else in New Mexico - than most folks realize.

The February events that Abq Jew has collected and modestly named Abq Jew Palooza! are just the beginning. There's much, much more to come!

And remember two weeks ago, when the Mama Doni Band performed at Congregation Albert? Were you there? Was that a great concert, or what? Abq Jew was thrilled to be in the crowd (yes, there was indeed a crowd!) that Sunday.

Yep, Mama Doni [Was] In The Building!  Which goes to show that the New Mexico Jewish community knows how to party when we want to!

Here are a bunch of photos, courtesy of Stu Fein, CA's resident photographer. A fine photographer he is! You can visit him online at

Here's another photo, courtesy of Peter Weinreb, CA's PR guy. This one shows Mama Doni with CA's belle troika - (right to left) Dale Cooperman, Cantor Barbara Finn, and Tammy Kaiser - each of whom played important roles in making Mama Doni Band's appearance possible. Thank you all!

Didn't make it to either of the Mama Doni Band's performances? Can't make it out of the house this weekend?  Abq Jew is sorry to hear that - so, to cheer you up for Shabbat, here is Mama Doni performing I Love Herring!

Shabbat Shalom, Albuquerque!
Good Shabbos, New Mexico!

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