
Monday, October 29, 2012

Corrie Remembers

A Benefit for the NM Holocaust Museum: Sandager Presentations and the Holocaust and Tolerance Museum of New Mexico  are honored to present Corrie Remembers, a powerful one-woman dramatization by Susan Sandager, who portrays Corrie ten Boom, a Christian woman who hid Jews in her home during the Holocaust.

Corrie Remembers
a One-Woman Show based on the Life of Righteous Gentile Corrie ten Boom
Simms Center @ Albuquerque Academy
A Benefit for the Holocaust and Tolerance Museum of New Mexico 
Sunday November 11 @ 2:00 pm
$36 Online / $40 Door

Many have heard the story through Corrie's book, The Hiding Place, and the motion picture by the same name.

For two years during the Nazi occupation of Holland during World War II, the ten Boom family was part of the Dutch underground. Their home was a center for shelter, safety, and hope for hundreds of Jews until they were betrayed by a Dutch neighbor. When Corrie ten Boom was miraculously released from the Ravensbruck concentration camp, she began telling her story to anyone who would listen.

Susan Sandager dressed as Corrie retells this true story. She captures and conveys the essence of Corrie ten Boom's life and work, melting both Christian and Jewish hearts with this presentation about a family of faith, courage, and love.


Tickets:  Available from Brown Paper Tickets or at the door. A sumptuous dessert reception follows the performance.


This museum fundraiser will serve as a remembrance of Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) which occurred throughout much of Nazi Germany in 1938 on the nights of November 9 and 10. Organized bands of Nazis torched synagogues and vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses. Close to 100 Jews were killed. In the aftermath, 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps.

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