
Friday, June 1, 2012

Win The Social Madness Challenge!

Winning Is [Not] What Counts!  The Business Journals (of which the New Mexico Business Weekly is one) just announced that Abq Jew LLC has been approved to participate in the Social Madness challenge in Albuquerque.

The  challenge begins on Friday June 1st!

You can read the official Social Madness rules here.  But they're not important now.  What is important is that there's  


Abq Jew ®  is sure you're just as excited about this challenge as he is.  And Abq Jew ®  is sure you're willing to do just about anything to help him win!

Actually, what you need to do to help Abq Jew ® win is really very simple:
  1. Go to the company page on Linked In and Follow
  2. Go to the Abq Jew company page on Facebook and Like Abq Jew.
  3. Go to the Abq Jew company page on Twitter and Follow Abq Jew.
That's it!  Many of Abq Jew's faithful have already done this. If you haven't done this yet, that's OK.  In fact, that's how Abq Jew ® will win!  But whatever you do -


If you're really a stickler for rules, here is how the Social Madness challenge works:
The [NM] Business Weekly received 88 nominations (the top three markets received from 127 to 134 nominations, so New Mexico was no slouch!) from companies that ranged from PNM Resources and Central New Mexico Community College to Lumpy’s Burgers. Nominees entered in one of three categories, small (1 to 99 employees), medium (100-499) and large (500-plus). New Mexico entrants in the small category far exceeded those who nominated themselves in the other two categories.

On June 1, local market challenges kick off in an open, all-comers (among the nominees) format. Nominees, now challengers, should encourage clients, vendors, friends, family members or others to “follow” or “like” them on their three social media sites during this period. Between June 1 and July, the New Mexico field of challengers will be narrowed, in a head-to-head bracket contest, to one winner in each category.

In July, the challenge moves to the national stage with the local winners in 43 ACBJ markets squaring off for nationwide bragging rights in the three size categories. The final matchups will be completed in early September.

Throughout the challenge, results will be updated every 24 hours, so competing companies and observers can track the contest. We’ll let you know where to link to that site once it’s set up.

The national winners, along with gaining possibly thousands of new followers and significant exposure to new markets as well as potential clients and customers, also will get to choose a charity of their choice to receive a $10,000 donation from American City Business Journals.
It's June 1st!  Go vote!

  1. Go to the company page on Linked In and Follow
  2. Go to the Abq Jew company page on Facebook and Like Abq Jew.
  3. Go to the Abq Jew company page on Twitter and Follow Abq Jew
Thank you!

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