
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Nuclear Duck: A Video

This Is A Test:  You love videos, don't you?  And Abq Jew has provided you with videos in abundance, from Jewish Family Service Does Good to Moo Goo Gai Pan to Readiest for Purim.

If you follow Abq Jew's every blog post by checking at least twice a day (or by linking to your Facebook or Twitter account), whenever Abq Jew has tossed a video in, you'll see a big 420 x 243 pixel rectangle that looks sort of like this:

But if you wait for the Weekly Abq Jew Blog Update, it turns out that - thanks to the miracles of email technology - those video rectangles drop out.  Abq Jew realized this early on, and has been providing text links to said videos. 

If you already figured this out - mazeltov!  But Abq Jew is going to make it even easier for you to view those videos what you crave.  Introducing ....... the Video Button!
Hi!  I'm the new Video Button!
If you follow Abq Jew's blog on, the result will look a lot like this:

Whereas, in the Weekly Abq Jew Blog Update the result will look more like this:


Here's the chiddush. the innovation, the indescribable something that makes Abq Jew's blog different from all the rest:

When you see the Video Button, you'll know there's supposed to be a video there!
When you click on the Video Button, the video will appear!

Crazy, no?  Come on! Try it!

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